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2021 Will Clark - Boss - Home Page -  WI

Over two decades of comprehensive international experience,
spanning virtually every industry and discipline...

About Me ...

From being a multi-occasion award-winning writer in my youth, to later becoming a published author, writing, editing, layout, the presentation of critical information, and its potential impact through channels of communication, public relations, marketing, and other mediums, has always come naturally to me. When I began my career path, it was immediately evident to my employers that I had an easy aptitude in these areas. 
I have worked through my profession in varied and front-line industries. I have experience with: international development, program/project management and quality assurance; leading-edge science and technology research and development; nuclear power, engineering and research; architecture, engineering, design, manufacturing and construction; mass transportation systems; oil, gas and petrochemicals; military systems, aviation and aerospace; academia and education; medicine and pharmaceuticals; banking and finance; government and law; management, communications, marketing and advertising; and several different online merchandisers.

With freelance projects, I’ve done: research, press releases and speech writing for local and state-level politicians and legal firms; website writing and design for several online companies, regional organizations, and medical groups; database and design work for a large, regional restaurant chain; and marketing, website, logo, ad and packaging design and writing for a Colorado brewing company.

My experience has proven that I am immediately adaptable to any industry, its inherent language, and its demands of the highest quality of effective communication. In every position I have held, I’ve created positive and improved change, and I have a reputation as a true professional in my field. I am punctual, conscientious, and considerate. I bring quality ideas to my work, and I adapt readily to change. I maintain steadiness through the most hectic situations, and I have never missed, or even compromised a deadline in my career.

I am always interested in collaborating with those whose prime objectives are quality and effectiveness.

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